Monday, February 23, 2015

No News Yet

So Friday has come and gone and so have five pregnancy tests, all negative.  But, we still have hope.  Our blood draw isnt scheduled till this Thursday, so it's early still.  With Jude we didn't get a positive until day 13, which we haven't hit yet.  So fingers crossed that in the next three days we get a BFP!  I'm not really worried about it though, S continues to have nasua and feel out of sorts.  Good signs I think.  I know she is frustrated at the negative tests, but it's coming, I know it!

In other news Jude was sick throwing up all day Friday, and of course it started at a play date at a new friends house.  A new friend that we had never played with before, a new friends whose house we had walked to.  He threw up all over himself and me and then we got to walk home, fun.  Luckily it was only down the street so not too big of a deal and as was working at home so she helped a ton with the clean up of his continued throwing up.  Poor guy,mate seeing him feel so bad.  At least it was only one day and no fever, he was feeling fine Saturday but wouldn't eat anything and by Sunday was just about his normal self.


  1. Ugghhh!!! I have been stalking your blog for any news! 2WW suck...for everyone :(
