Monday, June 18, 2012

Nap Time=Blog Time

In an effort to blog more, I’m going to try this week to do a quick post during one of Jude’s naps everyday this week.  Also, I’m sure we won’t be posting next week much (if at all) because we are taking little dude on a road trip!  I’m really really excited for it as we will be seeing all of my family along with lots of good friends.  But, I’m also a bit nervous as it is an 8 hour car ride, gulp, with my five month old.  I think we have an okay plan though, we are trying to break it up a bit and drive at night and during normal nap times for the little man.
Here is the plan:
Friday night around 7pm drive 3 1/2 hours to Dallas and spend the night with S’s little brother
Saturday around Jude’s morning nap drive 3 hours to OKC to see some friends and spend the night with my little brother and his wife
Sunday around Jude’s nap time drive 1 1/2 hours to Tulsa to spend the week with my mom and other little brother
On the way back we are spending the night in OKC and then the next day driving the whole rest of the 6 hour drive during the night, leaving around 7pm.
So, anyone have any tips for road trips with a baby?  We are packing his pack and play for him to sleep in and his swing if we can fit it and I’m really hoping that he will sleep for at least 80% of the journey.  Other than that I guess our plan is to stop a bit along the way if needed to give him a break from the car.  Also I think one of us will be sitting in the back seat with him for most of the trip so that if he is awake maybe we can talk to him and play with him to keep him from going crazy.  We are probably crazy for doing this, but I feel optimistic that it won’t be too bad and that seeing everyone and getting away for a bit will make it all worth it in the end. :)


  1. Driving at night really worked well for us. The Bean was, for the most part, fine in the back on his own. He had a toy with a button he could push and it played various classical music that he LOVED and that and a pacifier seemed to keep him pretty content. (We love that toy too.)

  2. We took a 3 hour trip with the twins recently and left when we felt like it and they slept for all three hours on the way there and almost the full three hours on the way back. I think we did leave right after a feeding. Our kids are a little younger than yours but the car motion will keep him asleep for most of the time. It shouldn't be too bad.
