Thursday, March 31, 2011

Great News!

S just called with great news.  She got the results back from the doctor on her thyroid levels and she is at a 3.34 which is within the normal range!  Yes!!  We are so happy and excited.  Now, I have read that as far as pregnancy goes, between a 1-2 is a better number, so S called our RE to see if we can move forward or not.  We should be hearing back from him hopefully some time today or tomorrow to see what he thinks.  If we get the thumbs up from him then we could be doing our first IUI as soon as next month!  So much excitement!  I know that S and I are both just chomping at the bit when it comes to getting started on this whole process.  So keep your fingers crossed and send some good vibes out to the universe that we get the green light to go forward next month!


  1. yay! I hope the RE has some good news for you, too!

  2. That's awesome news for S's health! Hopefully it'll be enough progress to move forward with the IUI. Our fingers are crossed, Liz!!

  3. YAY! That's great news. Keeping my fingers crossed that you guys get even more awesome news from the RE. =)

  4. Yay! I'm so happy to see this good news (I've been stalking you for DAYS now)

    1-2 IS a better number (according now to three doctors I've seen), but ladies do get pregnant with a higher TSH. It's like any medical piece, all about the balancing and making sure everything is optimal for you, where you're at :)
