Does anyone else have issues getting their little one to go to sleep? Sigh, of course you do. Things with Jude and bedtime had been going ok, but in the last two weeks it has taken a nose dive. Last night was no exception. We did our normal bedtime routine and put him in his toddler bed right on time, at 8:30. It was 10 pm before he was actually asleep. He spent the whole hour and a half screaming and crying and throwing himself to the floor and it is making us crazy. Like CRAZY. We go in and hold him, rock him, put him back in bed time and time again, try to get him to sleep on the floor, talk to him about bedtime and sleep, sing songs, let him cry, threaten and yell. Everything. Nothing works, nothing helps. We leave the door open, we close the door, we sit in the room, we leave the room, we turn on and off his night light, nothing works. And he only finally goes to sleep once totally exhausted, really not even going to sleep so much as passing out. It's ridiculous and has to stop. Oh and once he does go to sleep he is waking up at least one or two times. And then he is back up for the day between 6-7am. Naps have been hard too, but not nearly as hard as bedtime.
So our only plan today is for me to try to run him ragged all day and to try bedtime at 8pm. I'm also thinking about cutting his naps out, but dear lord I don't want to do that if I don't have to. Anyone have any advice? I'm about ready to call Nanny 911 on this!