Now that Jude is almost two, his little personality is really starting to show. He is so sweet sometimes, giving hugs and kisses out, blowing kisses to everyone and at the same time he has such a temper. He gets easily frustrated and throws himself to the floor if he hears no. He is fascinated with older kids but having to share with any kid is likely to end in a melt down, or worse, hitting and sometimes biting. He is talking more and more but I still think he is behind. He seems to have about 30-40 words that he will say, which I know is a bit below where he should be and he isn't really making any scentences yet. I'm guessing at our two year check up that they will want him to see a speech therapist. We will see.
Our big boy now sleeps in his toddler bed full time! We tried it out a few months ago but he wasn't ready. So he has been sleeping in his pack n play which he couldn't climb out of, at least until two weeks ago when he did climb out. The toddler bed has been going better than I thought, though for each nap and at bedtime I have to stand outside of his room and listen to see if he he trying to get up. For the first few days I had to put him back in bed quite a few times but now I normally don't have to put him back more than once if at all. And for the most part he goes to sleep without tears where before he cried himself to sleep almost every night no matter what we did.
He loves to stack things and last night he found the dice I had left out. Isn't he the cutest?